What is C3

We have a platform
for the regulated gaming industry to create their own currency for wagering and non-gaming transactions.

C3 is a platform for the future of casino gaming using proprietary Blockchain technologies.

While existing crypto currencies fluctuate in value and are not backed up by real values, C3 is fixed to the dollar and includes casino promotions.

C3 is a win-win both for players and casinos. Players get marketing and promotional values that are tracked digitaly and casinos create their own currencies, which are kept in secure wallets.

Why C3

A win win Currency both for Casinos and Players

  • We are proud to introduce C3 Platform built on our patent-pending Blockchain Technology.
  • C3 is a white label solution, Casinos offer thier own brand of C3 managed by our Platform.
  • features
    Blockchain Infrastructure

    Hybrid Blockchain technology of two networks. One on a closed gaming network to comply with regulated gaming standards and the other on an open network.

    C3 Wallet

    Every Casino offers its own C3 kept on C3 Wallet. Players earn Loyalty Rewards by buying, wagering and transacting with C3.

    Trusted System and Secure

    An efficient system covering gaming and non-gaming transaction with best data security.

    C3 Tokens

    C3 Sales & Values

    C3 token will be released on the basis of Dispatch Lab's platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.


    June 15, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

    Number of tokens for sale

    900,000 ICC (9%)


    December 15, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)

    Tokens exchange rate

    1 C3 = 1 US $ + Casino Promotions

    Acceptable currencies

    US $

    Minimal transaction amount

    100 US $

    C3 Sale will start in
    Join & BUY TOKEN NOW

    The proceeds of all sales are kept in escrow until token holder accpets a casino's offer.


    You can make a deposit with C3 and hold a white-label C3. We hold your C3 in an escrow account until you accept a casino’s offer. Upon your acceptance, your C3 is transferred to the casino including the promotional offers made by the casinos.

    Branded C3

    You may directly buy the C3 of a casino and receive all the promotional offers made by the casino. As an example, a casino may offer free two nights stay and $100 credit towards food and beverages for a $500 or more deposit.

    The Timeline

    With the help from our teams, contributors and investors these are the milestones we are looking forward to achieve.

    C3 Apps

    C3 Mobile App

    Once you’ve entered into C3's ecosystem and buy C3 coins you can place wagers and make non-gaming transactions. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can participate in C3's marketplace and earn casino loyalty points.

    With C3’s Casino Crypto Currency, players have access to the C3 Coin that can be used for any participating casino or online gaming provider. Dispatch Lab’s Blockchain protocol relies on decentralization and peer-to-peer transactions for security, and a consensus algorithm that uses smart contracts and elected witnesses to ensure safe holding and delivery of funds. Some of C3 advantages for particapting gaming operators includes:

    • C3 digital wallet holds player's C3 versus cashing chip when leaving the casino
    • Real time deailed accounting by each game and each player
    • Transparent loyalty point awards and redemptions
    • Detailed historical wagering data
    • Lower operating expenses and overheads
    Our Team

    The Leadership Team

    The C3 Team combines a passion for gaming technology, industry experise & proven record in regualted gaming, software development, marketing & licensing.

    CEO & Founder

    Bruce Merati

    CEO & Founder

    Bruce Merati, is a game technology inventor and a visionary with over 20 years of gaming experience, his gaming career started in 1997 with, VirtGame, one of the first online gaming companies which later transitioned to a Nevada licensed manufacturer and distributor. Bruce Merati is currently CEO of Uplay1, a gaming IP Company and Co-Founder of BC Technologies, a sportsbook service provider. Bruce Merati is a graduate of London School of Economics, a Chartered Accountant in England and Wales and a member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

    COO & Chief Architecture Officer

    Travis McGregor

    COO & Cheif Architecture Officer

    With over 17 years of expereince, Travis has developed and managed product specifications and financial models for such innovated products as BT Cellnet's original Pay and Go, QoS / QoE solutions for 3G/ 4G LTE mobile, mobile authentication for the U.S. Federal Government, and developed the first pre-production prototypes of the world’s first ISO biometric powered card (now being offered by MasterCard internationally).

    Co-inventor of biometric powered card technology resulting in multiple issued patents and co-founder of Validus. Directly raised $7M in investment for R&D and pre-production manufacturing. Validus was the first company in history to produce pre-production prototypes of an ISO thin biometric powered card.

    CTO & VP of Development

    Christopher McGregor

    CTO & VP of Development

    Conceptualized and developed multiple technologies including BT Cellnet's (O2) original Pay & Go, QoS / QoE solutions for 3G / 4G LTE mobile, mobile authentication for the U.S. Federal Government, the first pre-production prototypes of the world’s first ISO biometric powered card (now being offered by MasterCard internationally), and Trumpet's SMB Social Commerce Platform. Named inventor on numerous issued patents and patents pending in the areas of biometric authentication using smart cards, real-time billing for mobile environments, QoS (Quality of Service) for 3G, OIS (Open Internet Security) for 3G, mobile payments, social commerce and dynamic marketing automation.

    Software Developer

    Ash Shahabi

    Software Developer

    Ash is an experienced software developer with Information Technology Masters Degree from Bournemouth University.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Below we’ve provided some summary info about C3. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

    What is C3?

    C3 is a Casino Crypto Currency running on Blockchain of two networks, one for gaming and one for non-gaming. Each network is a unique Blockchain platform; that is secure and smart disrupting the way casinos run their business, and making their currencies to be used in general commerce.

    Which casino's C3 can I buy?

    You can buy the C3 of any particpating casino or you can buy C3's and let casino's bid for your C3. The C3 of each casino includes promotional values specifically offered by that casino.

    How can I make a C3 purchase?

    Participating casinos offer their own brand of C3 fixed to the value of U.S. dollar plus any promotions and incentives that the casino provides. You can also buy C3's until you accept the offer of a casino to convert your currency to their C3. The proceeds of all C3's are kept in escrow until converted to a specified casino's C3. C3 Platform creates a smart contract once a C3 holder accepts the offer of a casino.

    How do I benefit from owning C3?

    C3 is backed by the cash reserves of the casino and receives promotional offers when you use C3 in wagering and in commerce.

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    ICO Crypto - is unique blockchain platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital, and the way investors buy and sell.

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    ICO Crypto - is unique blockchain platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital, and the way investors buy and sell.

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    ICO Crypto - is unique blockchain platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital, and the way investors buy and sell.

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    ICO Crypto - is unique blockchain platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital, and the way investors buy and sell.

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    Get In Touch

    Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

    • +1 858 353-7788
    • info@yUplayC3.com
    • Join us on Facebook
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